Language and Literacy (Read 411) has taught me that speaking, listening, reading and writing improve together. This semester I will be creating a lesson in front of my classmates and a lot of the technology from our inventory list would be smart additions to my lesson. Having students create a class blog would support them in learning new content related words. As well as teaching internet accountability. Besides a collection of digital images Google Eportfolio can be used to write a reflective journal that can help learners to improve their writing skills. Screen Casting and YouTube can be utilized as instructional tools where written instruction could possibly be confusing to students. Having the audio with the visual is especially great for different learning styles. It’s is also a way to allow students to hear the pronunciation of new and interesting words.
Assessment of Learning (Curr 314) is a very essential part of teaching that provides vital information for students and teachers alike. It is a clear way to gauge the abilities and needs of students and therefore plan instruction accordingly. A self-assessment check list and learning logs are great tools to help students think about their learning. These reflection tools can easily be housed on Blackboard or any other easily accessible online database. Learners could use Google Eportfolio and to collect digital samples of their work. It is an easy way to allow the teacher to see their progress, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Having the students create a YouTube video or a ScreenCast utilizing processes learned in class is a awesome way to evaluate students. It is important to allow them to demonstrate their skill range in alternate ways.